Friday, September 19, 2008

Last Surgery!

Well just when I thought all the excitement was over in our lives, I just realized moments ago that the poopy smell we thought was eeking from Ya Ya's bum, is not coming from her bum, but rather from the little drain hole at the bottom of her cast.

I just put a call into the ortho clinic at Children's and hope to hear something back soon. I just keep thinking that a foot amputation and a poopy smell coming from the site doesn't seem normal. This didn't happen with Jieling!

I am holding it together for now.

Update!! After noticing the foul odor from Ya Ya's cast I was instructed to take her in, and if I hurried I could go to the ortho clinic instead of the ER. I was frantic and quite upset, but not because I thought something was seriously wrong, but because of the fear Ya Ya has for people in the medical profession. I think this fear stems from her toe amputation in China and whatever that entailed?
Anyways, much to my surprise and utter shock, Ya Ya did not flinch, whimper, or protest even one second when they started to cut off her cast! I think she was curious and anxious to have her big pink bandaid removed. I on the other hand was trying not to pass out! I was not ready to see her footless and all the messy smelly mess. All the dressing inside her cast was soaked and yucked up, but NO infection. Thank God. If it were infected they would have had to clean her stump and that would have been pure torture! Oh thank you God. In the end they just ended up cutting off the bottom half of her cast changing all the dressing and she was recasted. She sat still (miracle in itself) and let the professionals do their work. I was and am still amazed, because Ya Ya screamed a lot in the hospital. While still in recovery they had to give her ativan to calm her down because she was trying to pull everything off of her. She cried if a nurse even looked at her. She would put her hand up to them and tell them "No thank you." She threw something at one nurse, and was just not a model patient. Poor baby, I just wanted to get her out of there and safe at home, so her reaction, just 4 days after her surgery is amazing.

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