Friday, March 30, 2007

Who Made This Big Mess?

Like I don't know! Out of my 5 kids none has a tidy bone in their body! Actually Aimee isn't too bad, but the rest are killing me. I swear Jie Ling's room was clean yesterday, and I'm sure when Xiao Mei gets home she'll just blame the mess on her! Jie Ling loves her kitchen set, and I have to watch her closely because if I don't give her water to play with she'll find her own in the bathroom (toilet). She really is so cute and I love listening to her play. She has a great imagination and talks and talks and just carries on with whatever she is playing with. She reminds me a lot of Brianna in how dramatic she is. Right now I just heard her tell one of her toys she'll be right back. She also likes to put her babies on her toy slide and then call for them to slide down, "Come on baby, come on baby, COME ON BABY!" Ah, she cracks us up. Her latest little habit is more annoying...she'll take a big drink of whatever and fill up her mouth and then just open wide and let it run down the front of her. We're trying not to encourage that one, and it doesn't help when the other kids laugh. She also likes to go upstairs in our bathroom and sing and talk to herself in the mirror. This keeps her entertained for quite awhile. (Don't tell anyone, but Brianna is 18 and she's still doing this.) Another exciting news flash is she is finally sleeping in her own bed (crib day-bed) squished right up next to ours. The transition was not too bad. She cried the first three nights, but settled down if I held her hand. Now she just hops in and falls asleep. It wasn't that long ago where I couldn't even turn my back to her in the bed without her crying, so we have come A LONG ways. I can't wait till she's in her own room however, and hopefully Xiao Mei won't sleep with us as long. But whatever, it's not forever.

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