Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A Perfect Day...

for the Woodland Park Zoo. It was pretty last minute, but what a perfect day to be out with the kids! Jie Ling was very into the animals, but oddly covered her nose even when the animals were behind glass, I can't believe what a little priss she was being! She was such a crack up, and stopped whenever possible to pick grass or lick the side of the water fountain? I was going to make her drink hand sanitizer, but thought better. She called every animal by name, and even kissed a gorilla through the glass. She loved the beautiful day as much as we did. She did scold a little boy in a little kid sized garden area when he tried to open the gate to come in. Apparently she was the gate keeper and no-one was coming in her garden. I had to use my pre-school voice to try and persuade her to let the little guy in, and then when that didn't work I hauled her little butt out of there and over to the pig pen. Mike gave one of the pigs a grape and I yelled loudly for the zoo keeper! I glared at him as everyone knows you don't feed the animals in the zoo!
Anyways, we had a great time and can't wait to do it again.

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