Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Very Busy Week

  • Brianna, Nick, dad & mom recover from the flu

  • Jie Ling starts toddler gym at the YMCA

  • Sophie the rat dies (but not without supplemental oxygen, antibiotics, a humidifier, lots of TLC, and a huge vet bill!!)
  • Jie Ling becomes world class poker player (thanks Nick)

  • Aimee starts soccer

  • Nick starts up with some nasty seizures (the big ones have not reared their ugly heads for over 4 years) We suppose it's because he's done a lot of growing, so hopefully we just need to tweek his meds and all will be well again.
  • Brianna has appointment to meet with admissions staff at Gene Juarez.

    Jie Ling learning to "dress" herself

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Day in the Life of Jie Jie...

Just some cute pictures of Jie Ling doing her thing. I better hurry as she's pulling on me saying, "Mama nigh nigh." Which means, come on mom lets go to bed. How have I gotten so lucky that all five of my kids like to go to bed!!!!

Announcing Bin & Hussein

Brianna has convinced me that rats make great pets. She has had Sophie for over a year, and Sophie has such personality! We finally decided to go ahead and let Jake get a rat, and decided after a day that Hussein needed a cage mate so today we went and picked out Bin!! Jie Ling loves them and is very gentle, though we have to watch her cause she likes to blow on them!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Time line for Xiao Mei

  • 2/03/07 Stefani sent pictures of Xiao Mei
  • 2/05/07 Call SW to start Homestudy Update
  • 2/10/07 Her Family Has Found Her!!
  • 2/12/07 Received Xiao Mei File
  • 2/14/07 Announced our plans to Adopt!!
  • 2/14/07 Stefani's Poem to our Sweet Girl!!
  • 2/15/07 Stefani okays our LOI
  • 2/19/07 Mailed LOI to Stefani!!

(Xiao Mei's name is Darcy on the list)

Sweet Baby Darcy

Sweet baby Darcy,

This poem must unfurl

With just the right cadence

For this special girl.

Must be fit for nice paper

And say the right things,

Because this family

All good things brings!

So, here goes my effort -

I hope to match up

To a previous poem

That really stood UP!

Darcy, you're perfect!

From head to sweet toes!

In this great family,

You'll have the 5th child's nose.

A sweet sister from China

Has truly paved the way,

For you now to be Baby

In their arms,

you will stay.

Darcy, your photos

Show elegance true.

Your family is anxious

To love and hug you!

So, raise your hands up

And feel hugs coming near!

Darcy, you are the one

They treasure so dear!!

In this busy family,

There will always be

Someone to talk to you

And enjoy your company.

(and your strong mind!)

Darcy, reach up your hand

Others are reaching toward you.

"By the By" and "eventually"

You'll be HOME in evergreen hue.

About Jie Ling

Our first adopted daughter is Jie Ling, or Jaidyn Margaret Jie Ling, but we like to call her Jie Ling for short. She was adopted May 15, 2006 from Nanjing, and has been a great addition to our family. She was considered special needs because she was born with macrodactyly. Macrodactyly made 3 of her toes and whole forefoot quite large, which made wearing shoes impossible. It's basically a form of gigantism, she had one huge foot! Our baby had surgery in October after being home for 5 months, to remove a couple of toes, and try and reduce some of the bulk, but ended up having a syme amputation. It was a shock, and I still wonder if we made the right decision, but she is doing so well. She was fitted with a prosthesis, and now runs around and finally gets to wear shoes! She really is the best little girl and makes us laugh everyday, we love her so much!!!

Announcing Katie Elizabeth

Xiao Mei Edwards!! (sounds like shee-ow may)

Before you jump to I'm not pregnant!!

We're adopting again silly!!

On February 4, we got an email from the director of the China program Stefani Ellison telling me she just received a file on a little girl with macrodactyly, and did I want to see her pictures? Of course I just had to see her! It took about 2 seconds to know she should be our daughter! Our LOI (letter of intent) should be on it's way to China next week. If China agrees that Xiao Mei should be our daughter then we would probably travel this Sep/Oct. She would be 21 months old, same age as Jie Ling! Her birthday is 1/6/06, and she is in the southern part of Anhui Province at Xuan Cheng SWI. Her foot looks exactly as Jie Lings did, except the two toes that were fused on Jie Ling are not joined on Xiao Mei. According to her file this is Xiao Mei's only problem, really not a problem to us.

Anyways, gotta run!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Love from the Edwards Eight!

What took me so long??

I'm so excited to finally be starting this! I'm not a very good writer, but I have a very poor memory, so I'm blogging for the sake of the children!
We are starting our paper chase for our second little daughter from China, and look forward to documenting every step of the way!